NoteBook Alejo
Last changed: 2012/03/16 20:34
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Alejo Duque
- Workshop 2012 Aix-en-Provence Signal-Noise-Signal
- a cpp API that looks interesting (relates to last summer gumstix pda port):
- on the "Noise" idea, here an algorythm to consider:
- data radio
- greenbots usando zigbees
- ~-note to self: subir a voyeurismo auditivo-~
- a possible second floor for ping the vatican variations related to trafficking
- a third floor using the idea of tunneling and dissecting the packets received by a ping. Tunneling
- use festival for ping
- Notes for a liveCD version planktumIII aka Locus Sonus based on pure:dyne
- After moving wiki pages from public to private i found this page where i gather stuff for my short presentation during the symposium: Game Environments
- hcitool, sdp and btscanner. The last one stands for bluetooth scanner, an application installed on my linux box to allow passive/non-intrusive scanning of bt devices, useful for "La Defence"?
- After the FACE workshop I inherited and ArtBus board from Robb Drinkwater this is what I manage to develop with it. Step motors
- Second_Life_Land1 On how to get some SL space where to build, report from the first meeting.
- LAC2008 Notes from Köln (Linux Audio Conference)
- via SOUP here the continuation in LS terms of the streambox-> StreamBox Alix v.0.1
- meta_atelier, congres singulier, Antonio Negri notes
- Network audit how to have notions if a network connection is stable enough for an audio stream (Pauline Oliveros @ Camargo stream test # 1)
- Finally we have a place where to build in Second Life, here i will collect screenshots of the process you are welcome to add more. :P SecondLife Screenshots
- here some G.P.S + google earth maps plus more stuff to come soon: Workshop ESBAM2008
- here some notes from the 2 workshops done in march 2009 at ESAA (Aix-en-Provence) and Nice (Villa Arson) titled: Into the Electromagentic Spectrum aka iEMS
- here the URLS from the last workshop: