Locus Sonus Vitae



Sinclair Peter "Locustream open microphone project" in proceedings of ICMC 2018 : Preserve Engage Advance
Daegu Corée du Sud Aout 2017.

Elena Biserna, « The Resounding Flâneuse ». Dans Marea, catalogue du festival. Ravenna : Danilo Montanari Editore, 2018.

Biserna, Elena. « 'Step by Step'. Reading and Re-writing Urban Space Through the Footstep », The Journal of Sonic Studies, 16, Materials of Sound sous la direction de Caleb Kelly (2018)

Biserna, Elena. « SoundBorderscapes. Vers une écoute critique de la frontière / SoundBorderscapes. Lending a critical ear to the border », antiAtlas Journal, 2 (2018)

Sinclair, Peter (et al.) « New Atlantis: Audio Experimentation in a Shared Online World » in : CMMR. Bridging People and Sound: 12th International Symposium, CMMR 2016, São Paulo, Brazil, July 5-8, 2016: Revised Selected Papers. Édité par Mitsuko Aramaki, Richard Kronland-Martinet, et Sølvi Ystad. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10525. Cham: Springer, 2017.

Sinclair, Peter. « Locus Stream Open Microphone Project » :MUSIQUE & HACKING INSTRUMENTS, COMMUNAUTÉS, ÉTHIQUES, IRCAM, Quai Branly, Paris, 8-9 November 2017


Biserna, Elena and Brandon LaBelle. "From the Self to the Other." Brandon LaBelle: Overhearing and Interrupting (Dijon : Les presses du réel, 2016), 273-82.

Biserna, Elena. “Une ponctuation sonore des trajets urbains sur les lignes de tramway du Mans/A sonic punctuation of the urban journeys on the tramway lines of Le Mans”. In Song-Line. Sonification du tramway du Mans. (Le Mans: Esba Talm, 2016), 67-73.

Sinclair P., Cahen R., Tanant J., Gena P., New Atlantis: A Shared Online World Dedicated to Audio Experimentation. In Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on CMMR, Sao Paolo, Brazil, 2016


Joy, Jérôme and Peter Sinclair. eds. Locus Sonus : 10 Ans d’Expérimentation en Art Sonore, (Marseille : Le Mot et le Reste, 2015).

Sinclair, Peter and Elena Biserna. eds. "Audio Mobility". Wi: Journal of Mobile Media, 9, 2 (2015).

Sinclair, Peter. "Inside Zeno’s Arrow : Mobile Capture and Sonification" Audio Mobility, Wi: Journal of Mobile Media, 9, 2 (2015).

Biserna, Elena. “Mediated Listening Paths: Breaking the Auditory Bubble” Audio Mobility, Wi: Journal of Mobile Media, 9, 2 (2015).

Biserna, Elena. "Tactiques artistiques et pratiques mobiles d’écoute médiatisée : entre 'révélation', 'superposition' et 'interaction'". Locus Sonus, 10 ans d’expérimentations en art sonore. Edited by Peter Sinclair and Jerome Joy (Marseille : Le Mot et le Reste, 2015), 193-212.

Biserna, Elena. "Elena Biserna in conversation with Brandon LaBelle." Room Tone. Edited by Brandon LaBelle (Berlin: Errant Bodies Press, 2015), 81-92.

Joy, Jérôme. "Visiting, Weaving, and Modulating Sonic Expanses and Rhythms - Tuning, Improvisation, and Environmental Aesthetics" Audio Mobility, Wi: Journal of Mobile Media, 9, 2 (2015).

Joy, Jérôme. "Auditoriums Étendus et Espaces Raccordés". Prospective et Stratégie 4, 5 (2015): 29-54.


Sinclair, Peter. "Sonification And Art." In Captation, JIM2014: Transformation Sonification, 157-165 (Bourges, 2014).

Biserna, Elena. “Living/Reviving Documents, Collections, Archives, and Atlases of Music and Listening. Notes on Christian Marclay's Work.” In Cosetta G. Saba, Francesco Federici (eds.), Cinema and Art as Archive: Form, Medium, Memory (Milan: Mimesis, 2014, peer-reviewed), 131-149.

Biserna, Elena. Translation and comment to “Thesis 5.” In Emanuele De Donno (ed.), UltraUltraRed. 10 Hypotheses on 10 preliminary theses on militant sound investigation (Foligno: VIAINDUSTRIAE publishing, 2014).

Biserna, Elena. “Altre musiche in altri spazi e tempi. AngelicA, Xing e Sant'Andrea degli amplificatori,” I martedì, no. 318, January 2014, 36-41.

Biserna, Elena. “Voci, soggetti, comunità. Una conversazione con Mikhail Karikis / Voices, Subjects, Communities. A Conversation with Mikhail Karikis,” Digicult, November 2014.

Biserna, Elena et al. “From Carla Lonzi's Autoritratto to Come una possibilità di incontro. Elena Biserna, Rita Correddu and Lucia Farinati in conversation,” Reflections on Process in Sound, edited by Iris Garrelfs, no. 2, 2014, 31-44.

Biserna, Elena, Rita Correddu and Lucia Farinati. “Convivio immaginario. Da Autoritratto a Come una possibilità di incontro”, UnDo.Net, January 2014.

Joy, Jérôme. "Synema: Expanses through Connected Environments" Liminalities, A Journal of Performance Studies 10, 1 (2014).


Joy, Jérôme. "Auditoria & Audiences – ‘Shakkei’ 借 景 - The Out in the Open Listening Experience." In Angus Carlyle and Cathy Lane (eds.), On Listening(Devon: UniformBooks, 2013), 99-102.

Joy, Jérôme, Julien Ottavi and Christophe Havard (pizMO). "Anté-Bruit - Composer le Tout-Audible/Études sur la musique noise - La Musique à Niveau Sonore Élevé - Musique-Environnement". 2013.

Joy, Jérôme. "Questions d’Archives: Flux et Circuits." Pratiques, L’Auto- Archivage Immédiat comme Œuvre 22 (2013): 32-75.

Sinclair, Peter. Using real time data flux in art - the mediation of a situation as it unfolds - RoadMusic – An Experimental Case Study. Thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements of the University of the Arts London for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Research director : Angus Carlyle - CRiSAP, LCC).

Sinclair, Peter. "L’Art de la Sonification en Temps Réel". In Observatoire des Images Numériques (ed.), Obs/IN 2011 proceedings, 121-131. ENSP École Nationale Supérieure de la Photographie Arles, ESA École Supérieure d’Art d’Aix en Provence, 2013.


Sinclair, Peter. ed. Sonification (what, where, how, why). AI&Society (Springer) 27, 2 (2012).

Sinclair, Peter. "Living with Alarms: The Audio Environment in an Intensive Care Unit," AI&Society (Springer) Sonification (what, where, how, why). 27, 2 (2012) : 269-276.

Sinclair, Peter. "RoadMusic," AI&Society (Springer) Sonification (what, where, how, why). 27, 2 (2012) : 311-313.

Gresham-Lancaster, Scott and Sinclair Peter. "The relationship of spatial acoustics to listening, of real-time to narration and how this relates to ideas of gestalt perception." LMJ Leonardo Music, Acoustics, 22 (2012): 67-71.

Biserna, Elena. dir. Section "Son & Musique/Sound & Music". The Open Future. Free Culture, MCD – Musiques et cultures digitales, 68 (2012): 37-51, 102-109.

Joy, Jérôme. "What NMSAT says about Sonification." AI & Society : Sonification (What, Where, How, Why) 27, 2 (2012): 233-244.


Sinclair, Peter, Yvonne Hubner and Atau Tanaka. "RoadMusic: Music For Your Ride From Your Ride." In Adjunct Proceedings Automotive UI. Salzburg, 2011.


Joy, Jérôme. "Une Époque Circuitée – Réflexion sur l’organologie des arts en réseau: le passage de l’Internet à un état musical." Intermédialités - Histoire et Théorie des Arts, Lettres et des Techniques: Programmer 13 (2010): 57-76.


Joy, Jérôme. "Networked Music & Soundart Timeline (NMSAT): Excerpts of Part One: Ancient and Modern History, Anticipatory Literature, and Technical Developments References." Contemporary Music Review: Network Performance 28, 4/5 (2009): 449-490.

Joy, Jérôme et Peter Sinclair. "Networked Music & Soundart Timeline (NMSAT): A Panoramic View of Practices and Techniques Related to Sound Transmission and Distance Listening". Contemporary Music Review: Network Performance 28, 4/5 (2009): 351-361.

Jerome, Joy and Peter Sinclair. "Espaces Sonores en Réseau - pratiques de la recherche en art, Locus Sonus." In Samuel Bianchini (ed.), Recherche & Création - Art, Technologie, Pédagogie, Innovation, pp. 122-139 (Paris: Éditions Burozoïque/Les Éditions du Parc, École Nationale Supérieure d’Art de Nancy, 2009).

Salmona, Esther. "Carpophores, journal de stream, poésie". Extraits dans Process Bleu (2008).


Jerome, Joy and Peter Sinclair. "Networked Sonic Spaces." In GlobalWare Corporation (eds.) Roots/Routes, International Computer Music Conference ICMC’08, pp. 553-555 (Belfast : SARC, Sonic Art Research Center, Queens University, & International Computer Music Association ICMA Publishers, 2008).

Salmona, Esther. Carpophores journal irrégulier d’écoute de flux sonores en temps réel.

Salmona, Esther. "Sujet à Stream." In Sophie Gosselin and Franck Cormerais (eds.) Poétique(s) du Numérique, 143-156 (Montpellier: L’Entretemps, 2008).

Salmona, Esther. "Carpophores, journal de stream, poésie". Extraits dans Les cahiers de Benjy. 2008.


Sinclair, Peter. "Locus Sonus." In Angus Carlyle (ed.), Autumn Leaves — Sound and the Environment in Artistic Practice, pp. 74-77 (Paris : Double-Entendre, 2007).

last changed: 2023/03/13 15:35