News&Events Last changed 2024/04/27 11:56 New name B I U S lien image code HTML list Transfert - + '''[2024]''' ''' SoundCamp : [SOUNDCAMP REVEIL du 4 au 5 mai 2024]''' ''' Journées thématiques 18-19 mars 2024 : [ECOUTER: DU CORPS A L’ENVIRONNEMENT]''' ''' Open Call : [''HUMUS / Résidence d'artiste|]''' '''[2023]''' '''Workshop - [Alpes]''' '''Séminaire - [Recherche Création]''' '''La Marche - [Open City Aix]''' '''Parution: [ Écrire, lire, diffuser, créer ensemble des espaces littéraires sur des espaces immatériels : interactions et coopérations | Les Cahiers du Numérique n°18]''' ''Les Cahiers du Numérique'', n°18, 2022, Éditions Lavoisier ''' Colloque: [Epistémologies critiques du contemporain]''' '''[JIM 23] Journées d'informatique Musicale ''' '''[SoundCamp 23] May 6-7 Pont Riche, Vallée de la Roya ''' '''[Residence 2023]''' '''Conference: [NIME 2023|]''' International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression 31 May-2 June 2023, UAM-Lerma / Tecnológico de Monterrey, State of Mexico, Mexico City Hugo Scurto & Ludmila Postel present the paper: "Soundwalking Deep Latent Spaces" '''Conference: [ISEA 2023|]''' International Symposium on Electronic Art 16-21 May 2023, Forum des Images, Paris Hugo Scurto presents the paper: "Deeply Listening Through/Out the Deepscape" '''Conference: [IA, entre arts, sciences, musiques et mathématiques|]''' Symposium organised by Munstra (MSN), CICM (Paris 8), EUR ArTeC and CNRS (ANR BBDMI). 27 March 2023, Maison des Sciences de l'Homme Paris Nord, Paris With a talk by Hugo Scurto '''Conference: Hugo Scurto, ''Arts, musiques et design au prisme de l'IA''''' 06 February 2023, [Ecole des Beaux-Arts de Marseille - INSEAMM|] '''Festival: Hugo Scurto, ''Soundwalking the Deepscape'' at [CTM Festival, ''Research Networking Day''|]''' 29 January 2023, silent green, Berlin, Germany '''2022 ''' '''Lire avec les mains, les oreilles et les pieds | [Flux Radio]''' '''SoundCamp Reveil 2022: | [SoundCamp]''' '''Locus Sonus RESIDENCY 2022 APPEL À CANDIDATURE: | [APPEL À CANDIDATURE Residents 2022]''' '''2021 ''' '''Soundcamp-Reveil''' vous apporte propose plus de 30 projets artistques internationales et 24h du choeur de l'aube "Dawn Chorus". Rejoignez-nous sur le 1-2 mai Soundcamp_Reveil 8 : '''LocusSonus Soundcamp 2021 | ''' '''Résidents 2021 | [Résidents 2021|Résidents 2021]''' '''2020''' '''Locus Sonus RESIDENCY 2021 : | [ Annoucement|]''' [Download pdf|] '''Event : | [Des Mondes au Creux de l'Oreille|]''' '''Event : | [Réveil 2020] [SoundCamp|]''' With : the acoustic commons participants (Locus Sonus, Full Of Noises, CONA, HMU/MTA, Cyberforest) and Stave Hill Ecological Park. 24h sunrise listening, performances and sound intervention, IRC chat, ... 2-3 may 2020 '''Conference: "A l'écoute des jeux vidéo, Imaginer l'espace virtuel par le son" [colloque Espaces Imaginés, Laboratoire de l'imaginaire|]''' Rennes France mars 2020 Ludmila Postel. '''Conference: "Le son dans les jeux vidéo, une autre manière d'engager le joueur" [Festival Montréal Joue, Journée Professionnel du jeu|]''' Montréal Canada février 2020 Ludmila Postel. '''Workshop: [Acoustic Commons Workshop]''' January 28-31, ESAAix, Aix-en-Provence With: Locus Sonus, Full of Noises, Soundcamp, CONA, Hellenic Mediterranean University, CyberForest. '''Residents 2020 | [Residents 2020] ''' '''2019''' '''Conference: "New Atlantis", Ludmila Postel - "Remote Listening and New Auditoriums" Peter Sinclair [Eufonia Festival|]''' Berlin Allemagne Octobre 2019. '''[Locus Sonus Résidence de recherche création 2020] | Appel à candidature''' Download pdf '''[SELFIE ORCHESTRA] | Installation de Peter Sinclair et de Owen Chapman ''' '''2018''' '''[SPLIT SOUNDSCAPE] | Installation de Grégoire Lauvin ''' Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle | Du 10 décembre 2018 au 2 janvier 2019 Exposition, [Détours : Un Parcours à la d'écouverte doeuvres numériques] Cooperation des Centres d'Art de Drôme Provençale. ANGLE Art Contemporaine Saint Paul Trois Chateaux - New Atlantis. [] Avec : Peter Sinclair, Lola Dubus, Ludmila Postel, Jonathan Tanant, Laurent Pruvost, Christophe Aslanian, Aurélia Nardini (raadio caargo) Evenement le 19 20 21 octobre, l'installation reste du 20 octobre au 20 janvier. '''Colloquium: “Sound Architecture”,''' Kyoto University (KURA) Japon - 22, Aout 2018. Peter Sinclair '''Conference: "Locustream open microphone project" [ICMC 2018 "Preserve Engage Advance|]''' Daegu Corée du Sud Aout 2018 Peter Sinclair. '''Seminar: [Pratiques de l’écoute, écoute des pratiques #4. Entendre le monde sonner |]''' With Carmen Pardo Salgado (University of Girona and Barcelona) and Christophe Charles (composer, Musashino University, Tokyo) February 21, IMéRA, Marseille '''Conference: [Elena Biserna, "SoundBorderscapes. Vers une écoute critique de la frontière"|] ''' [Reflexio|], a series of talks on Sound Art and Sound Studies organized by Université Paris 8, Philharmonie de Paris and Instants Chavirés curated by Matthieu Saladin. February 15, Université Paris 8 Saint Denis '''Exhibition: New Atlantis at [Nous ne sommes pas le nombre que nous croyons être|]''' February 2-3, Cité internationale des arts, Paris An event conceived by the Fondation Daniel et Nina Carasso in partnership with the Chaire "Arts et Sciences" and Cité internationale des arts curated by Mélanie Bouteloup '''Seminar: [Pratiques de l’écoute, écoute des pratiques #3. Écoutes incarnées|]''' January 17, IMéRA, Marseille Third meeting of the seminar co-organized by PRISM (AMU/CNRS) and IMéRA, coordinated by Jean Cristofol (ESAAix, PRISM AMU/CNRS), Elena Biserna (ESAAix, PRISM AMU/CNRS), Christine Esclapez (AMU, PRISM AMU/CNRS), Peter Sinclair (ESAAix, PRISM AMU/CNRS). With: Sylvain Brétéché (PRISM-AMU/CNRS) et Natacha Muslera. '''Conference: [Les promenades sonores et chorégraphiques en question|]''' January 12-13, CND (Centre national de la danse, Pantin), Paris Elena Biserna presents the paper: "Marche et pratiques sonores et musicales in situ. Lire et réécrire les milieux urbains" '''2017''' '''Seminar: [Pratiques de l’écoute, écoute des pratiques #2. Perception et déséquilibre dans l’espace acoustique|]''' December 20, Fondation Vasarely, Aix-en-Provence Second meeting of the seminar co-organized by PRISM (AMU/CNRS) and IMéRA, coordinated by Jean Cristofol (ESAAix, PRISM AMU/CNRS), Elena Biserna (ESAAix, PRISM AMU/CNRS), Christine Esclapez (AMU, PRISM AMU/CNRS), Peter Sinclair (ESAAix, PRISM AMU/CNRS). With: Jean Cristofol (ESAAix-PRISM), Pierre Cassou-Noguès (philosophe, Université Paris 8), Marlène Puccini (artiste, Université Paris 8), Jean-Michel VIVES (psychanalyste, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis). '''Workshop: [New Atlantis #3]''' December 18-22, ESAAix, Aix-en-Provence With: Ludmilla Postel (Résidente, Locus Sonus), Laurent Pruvost (Ingénieur, PRISM Marseille), Peter Sinclair (Locus Sonus ESA-Aix/PRISM), Jonathan Tanant (développeur principale) and the students: Lola Dubus, Kim Suk Won, Elyas Pollet. '''Conference: [Sound Art ? Construction et déconstruction historique d’un champ|] ''' Journée d’études organisée par La fabrique des arts sonores (Labex Arts H2H) et l’équipe TEAMeD (AI-AC, Université Paris 8 Vincennes – Saint-Denis) December 13, INHA-Institut national d'histoire de l'art, Paris Elena Biserna presents the paper: "Sound Walk ? Vers une (ré)vision critique" '''Radio: [The Acoustic Commons|]''' [Resonance Extra|], 24 November - 29 December, Fridays, 12 Noon to 1pm A new radio slot relaying live streams on the Locus Sonus open microphone network and elsewhere. '''Seminar: [Pratiques de l’écoute, écoute des pratiques #1. Son, image & cinéma|]''' November 15, IMéRA, Maison des Astronomes, Marseille First meeting of the seminar co-organized by PRISM (AMU/CNRS) and IMéRA, coordinated by Jean Cristofol (ESAAix, PRISM AMU/CNRS), Elena Biserna (ESAAix, PRISM AMU/CNRS), Christine Esclapez (AMU, PRISM AMU/CNRS), Peter Sinclair (ESAAix, PRISM AMU/CNRS). With talks by Daniel Deshays and Rémi Adjiman '''Residency: [Future DiverCities. Owen Chapman & Peter Sinclair|]''' November 6-December 14, La Chambre Blanche, Quebec '''Conference: [Music & Hacking International Conference. Instruments, Communities, Ethics|]''' November 8-9, Musée du Quai Branly-Ircam, Paris. Peter Sinclair presents the paper: "Locus Stream Open Microphone Project" '''Conference: [Pratiques artistiques de la cartographie|]''' November 2-3, ESAAix, Aix-en-Provence With talks by Peter Sinclair, Elena Biserna, Jean Cristofol & more. '''Conference: [Invisible Republic. Music, Lettrism, Avant-Gardes|]. International Conference on Music, Avant-Gardes and Counterculture''' October 25-27, University of Lisbon & Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology (MAAT), Lisbon Elena Biserna presents the paper: "Going Out. Peripatetic Music and Listening in the 60s" '''Conference: [Brandon LaBelle and Peter Sinclair|]''' October 17, FAMU - The Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague '''Workshop: Peter Sinclair, Mobile Soundscapes - Live streaming with open microphones''' October 9, Prague College - Bishop's Court Campus, Prague '''Residency: [Peter Sinclair at The Agosto Foundation|]''' October 4-24, [The Agosto Foundation|], Prague ''' Performance and exhibition: ''New Atlantis. A Digital Network Performance''''' September 15, [Faculty Projects|] SAIC, MacLean Center & Sullivan Galleries, USA '''Conference: Elena Biserna, ''SoundBorderscapes. Decostruire la frontiera attraverso l'ascolto''''' September 15, [Courtesy|], [Short Theatre 12|], La Pelanda, MACRO Testaccio, Rome, IT '''Workshop and Performance: Elena Biserna, [Walking from Scores|]''' 2-3 September, Ascolti Verticali, curated by Gaspare Caliri, MU and Snark – space making, [Le Serre dei Giardini Margherita|], Bologna, IT '''Exhibition: Grégoire Lauvin, ''Split Soundscape''''' July 2-September 3, [Co-Mutations. Parcours d'art contemporain en vallée du Lot|], curated by Martine Michard & Paul et Quentin Destieu, Vallée du Lot, France '''Radio: Elena Biserna, ''From Here to There''''', a program for ''Saout Africa(s)'' 25 June 2017, [SAVVY Funk|], [documenta 14 public radio|], curated by [Saout Radio|] With works and texts by Simohammed Fettaka, Emeka Ogboh, Brandon LaBelle, the streams of the Locustream sound map from Maputo, Mozambique and the voice of Natasha Marie Llorens [Podcast|] '''Festival: New Atlantis at [Game Happens, ''On Stage''|]''' 23-24 June 2017, Villa Bombrini, Genova, Italy '''Conference: [sIREN Conference : Arts and Digital Practice|]''' 30-31 May 2017, ECA – Edinburgh College of Art, Scotland Keynote talk by Peter Sinclair '''Workshop: Elena Biserna, [Walking from Scores|]''' 20 May, [Spring Attitude Festival|], Pastificio Cerere, RUFA–Rome University of the Arts, Rome, Italy '''Radio: [REVEIL/Soundcamp|]''' 6-7 May 2017, worldwide '''Conference: [Owen Chapman on Research-Creation|]''' 21 March, ESAAix, Aix-en-Provence Les études supérieures en recherche-création à Montréal : contexte et institutions '''Workshop: New Atlantis''' 20-24 March, ESAAix, Aix-en-Provence With: Roland Cahen (Ensci, Paris), Owen Chapman (Université Concordia, Montreal), Stéphane Cousot (Développeur), Grégoire Lauvin (Doctorant, Locus Sonus-Astram), Gaëtan Paseihian (PostDoc, PRISM Marseille), Laurent Pruvost (Ingénieur, PRISM Marseille), Peter Sinclair (Locus Sonus ESA-Aix), Jonathan Tanant (développeur principale) and the students: Lola Dubus, Antoine Langlois, Virginie Jordan '''Conference: [La ville augmentée par le son|]''' 10 March, Gaîté Lyrique, Paris Une réflexion sur l’expérience auditive en mobilité, la cartographie et la déambulation à l’échelle de la ville, nouvel espace de création et d’expérimentation. Produced by Collectif MU. Talk by Elena Biserna: "La marche comme relation, la ville comme contexte et comme matière" [Video|] '''Conference: [Mobilise|]''' 28 february- 1 March, De Montford University, Leicester A mini-festival exploring the emergent field of mobile music making and new sound practice Talk by Peter Sinclair & Elena Biserna: "Exploring, moving and mixing sound environments. Examples from the Locus Sonus Audio Mobility Program" '''Exhibition: [radioCona wolFMoon|]''' 12-19 January, Ljubljana Radio exhibition and events curated by Elena Biserna, Irena Pivka, Brane Zorman and produced by CONA '''2016''' '''Exhibition: New Atlantis installation at [Festival Gamerz|]''' Exhibition [Univers Simulés|] curated by Ewen Chardronnet 4-13 November, Fondation Vasarely, Aix-en-Provence [Pictures|New Atlantis installation at Gamerz Festival, Fondation Vasarely] '''Festival: New Atlantis performance at [Ear Taxi Festival|]''' 10 October, School of the Art Institute of Chicago '''Exhibition: [Peter Sinclair: Other Kinds of Sound Environment|]''' 14-23 September, Aksioma Project Space, Ljubljana An exhibition produced by CONA presenting New Atlantis, RoadMusic and Locus Sonus Stream Project [Pictures|Peter Sinclair: Other Kinds of Sound Environment] '''Conference: [Muoversi nel paesaggio sonoro/Moving in Soundscapes|]''' 8-11 September, Forum Klanglandschaft Italia (FKL), Palazzo delle Arti, Agropoli (SA), Italy Elena Biserna presents Locus Sonus' research programme Audio Mobility and the paper "Passi e risonanze. Leggere e riscrivere lo spazio camminando" '''Conference: [Bridging People and Sound|], CMMR São Paulo 2016''' 5-8 July, University of São Paulo, Brazil The 12th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research Peter Sinclair presents a paper and a demo of New Atlantis '''Radio: [Les sons créatifs, Les études sonores #7|]''' 19 June, Radio Grenouille 88.8 FM, Marseille In collaboration with Euphonia and la Cité de la Musique, Marseille With: Elena Biserna, Christine Groult, Jules Wysocki, Gaëtan Parseihian and more [Podcast|] '''Workshop: [Locus Sonus - Mobile Audio|]''' 9-10 May, [Post-diplôme Arts et créations sonores|], with Peter Sinclair and Elena Biserna, ENSA Bourges '''Radio: Locus Sonus SoundCamp in Niolon''' 30 April-1 May, Niolon Locus Sonus participates in the 24h broadcast [REVEIL|] with a soundcamp in Niolon. Organized every year on International Dawn Chorus Day, REVEIL tracks the sounds of daybreak, travelling West from microphone to microphone on sounds transmitted live by audio streamers around the globe [Pictures|Locus Sonus SoundCamp in Niolon] '''Exhibition and Conference: [VISION Recherche en art et en design|]''' 13-18 April, Palais de Tokyo, Paris Locus Sonus presents New Atlantis, Locus Stream Project, the Locus Sonus book as well as two talks by Elena Biserna and Gregoire Lauvin [Pictures|VISION Recherche en art et en design] '''Conference: [Recherche, Art, Pratiques Numeriques #3|]. Une UMR entre arts et sciences?''' 2 March, IMéRA, Marseille With Jean Claude Risset, Jacques Sapiéga, Richard Kronland-Martinet and Peter Sinclair Peter Sinclair presents the paper: "La Recherche Création (Mise) en pratique à Locus Sonus" '''Workshop: [Mobility and real-time audio]''' 15-19 February, Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, Milan Workshop by Peter Sinclair in the context of the MA Sound Art '''2015 ''' '''Conference: [Music on the Move: Sounds and New Mobilities|]''' 9 December, EHESS – CRAL, Paris A conference organized by CRAL/EHESS and University of Cambridge Elena Biserna presents the paper: “Pas à pas': playing urban space through the footstep” '''Conference: [Sons & Mobiles|]''' 3-4 December, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris 3 International conference organized by Laurence Allard, Roger Odin, Laurent Creton, IRCAV-Paris 3 Peter Sinclair presents the paper: "Un bref panoramique des projets artistiques qui découlent des (nouvelles) formes d’écoute et de productions sonores mobiles" '''[MAF|] Mobile Audio Fest''' 19-22 November 2015 ESAAix and Fondation Vasarely, Aix-en-Provence; La Friche la Belle de Mai and Parc Longchamp, Marseille A 4 day event exploring the relationships between mobility and (new) forms of listening and sound-making produced by Locus Sonus and curated by Peter Sinclair and Elena Biserna. Performances, installations, urban interventions, workshops and round tables '''With: '''Andrew Brown, Laurent Di Biase, Pierre-Laurent Cassière, Owen Chapman, Steve Jones, katrinem, Christina Kubisch, Eric Maillet, Marie Muller, Maria Papadomanolaki, Irena Pivka & Brane Zorman, Amandine Provost, Peter Sinclair, Jessica Thompson. '''Radio: Carte Blanche à Locus Sonus''' 15 November, Radio Grenouille 88.8 FM, Marseille [Recording Carte Blanche à Locus Sonus] '''Publication: [Locus Sonus. 10 ans d’expérimentation en art sonore|]''', Le Mot et le Reste, Marseille Edited by Jérôme Joy and Peter Sinclair With contributions by Samuel Bordreuil, Elena Biserna, Nicolas Bralet, Julien Clauss, Stéphane Cousot, Jean Cristofol, Alejo Duque, Sabrina Issa, Anne Laforet, Grégoire Lauvin, Nicolas Maigret, Fabrice Métais, Jean-Paul Ponthot, Lydwine Van Der Hulst. '''Exhibition: [Le Domaine des Murmures #2|] ''' 20 June-04 October, Domaine départemental du château d’Avignon, Camargue Curated by Agnès Barruol and Véronique Baton With: Bertille Bak, Dominique Blais, Pierre-Laurent Cassière, Marie Chéné et Pascal Messaoudi, François Cys, Bertrand Gadenne, Gethan & Myles, Laurent Gongora, Mathias Isouard, Grégoire Lauvin & Peter Sinclair, Thierry Mouillé, Emmanuel Rivière Grégoire Lauvin & Peter Sinclair present the installation ''Split Soundscape''. [Pictures|Split Soundscape at Le Domaine des Murmures #2] '''Prize: [Qwartz 10 - Big Innovation Générations nomination|]''' The Locustream sound map is nominated for the Max Mathews prize - Le prix de l’Innovation et de l’Excellence Technologiques au service des Arts. '''Radio: [Reveil|]''' 2-3 May Organized since 2014 on International Dawn Chorus Day, ''REVEIL'' is a 24h broadcast tracking the sounds of daybreak, travelling West from microphone to microphone on sounds transmitted live by audio streamers around the globe '''Conference & Performance: Audio Mobility Launch''' 2 April, ESAAix Launch of the special issue of ''Wi : Journal of mobile media'' [Audio Mobility|], edited by Peter Sinclair and Elena Biserna with contributions by Romain Barthélémy and Roland Cahen, Frauke Behrendt, Justin Bennett, Elena Biserna, Xavier Boissarie and Emmanuel Guez, Samuel Bordreuil, Joel Cahen, Aisen Caro Chacin, Jean Cristofol, Owen Chapman, Laurent Di Biase, Steve Jones, Jérôme Joy, Fabrice Métais, Marie Muller, Gaëtan Parseihian, Sølvi Ystad, Mitsuko Aramaki and Richard Kronland Martinet, Matthieu Saladin, Dom Schlienger, Peter Sinclair, Jessica Thompson, Aline Veillat. Round table with Elena Biserna, Peter Sinclair, Samuel Bordreuil and Jean Cristofol Performances by Owen Chapman and Steve Jones '''Conference: Expanding the Contexts and Praxis of Sound''' 9 March, HEAR Mulhouse A talk by Elena Biserna at [SONIC/Le Quai-Haute école des arts du Rhin|], curated by Yvan Etienne '''Conference: Walking from Scores''' 5 March, Université Paris 8, Paris A talk by Elena Biserna for the MA Contemporary Art & Sound Art, curated by Matthieu Saladin '''Conference: [Walking / Listening / Sounding |] ''' 4-5 February, ENSA Bourges A workshop and talk by Elena Biserna at [Post-diplôme Arts et Créations sonores|] Summary of changes Password Syntax