Locus Sonus Vitae


Colloque: Epistémologies critiques du contemporain

JIM 23 Journées d'informatique Musicale

SoundCamp 23 May 6-7 Pont Riche, Vallée de la Roya

Residence 2023

Conference: NIME 2023
International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression
31 May-2 June 2023, UAM-Lerma / Tecnológico de Monterrey, State of Mexico, Mexico City
Hugo Scurto & Ludmila Postel present the paper: "Soundwalking Deep Latent Spaces"

Conference: ISEA 2023
International Symposium on Electronic Art
16-21 May 2023, Forum des Images, Paris
Hugo Scurto presents the paper: "Deeply Listening Through/Out the Deepscape"

Conference: IA, entre arts, sciences, musiques et mathématiques
Symposium organised by Munstra (MSN), CICM (Paris 8), EUR ArTeC and CNRS (ANR BBDMI).
27 March 2023, Maison des Sciences de l'Homme Paris Nord, Paris
With a talk by Hugo Scurto

Conference: Hugo Scurto, Arts, musiques et design au prisme de l'IA
06 February 2023, Ecole des Beaux-Arts de Marseille - INSEAMM

Festival: Hugo Scurto, Soundwalking the Deepscape at CTM Festival, Research Networking Day
29 January 2023, silent green, Berlin, Germany

dernière modification: 2023/06/29 10:25