Locus Sonus Vitae

Acoustic Commons - Colloquium

This revision is from 2023/03/09 16:58.

The Acoustic commons Colloquium, originally planned as an independent event, was incorporated into the final exhibition. Various talks, presentations, demos and performances were spread over five days of the exhibition and walk and are included in the programme. (Voir WP 54) This allowed us to address a larger audience augmented by the Biennalé and the student walk. For several presentations an outdoor location was considered to be more appropriate than a closed conference room. To cater for those talks requiring indoor conditions the final day was dedicated to an indoor colloquium hosted by the “Petit Duc Theater” in Aix En Provence - and divided into 3 round-table sessions that centred respectively on three aspects of the activities generated by Acoustic Common :

Stream Time
11:00–12:30 – "Streamtime": The session focussed broadly on experiences related to the setting up of Open microphones : politics of open microphones, the meaning of acoustic commons, schizophonic experiences, and future projects … The seance included members from each Acoustic commons partner and was chaired by Peter Sinclair (ESAAIX, Locus Sonus).


    • Yasushi Suko - Cyberforest (Tokyo Uni JAP)
    • Maria Papadomonalaki - (Hellenic Mediterranean University GR)
    • Sam Barrister Smith, Christine Bramwell - Sound Camp (London UK)
    • Glenn Boulter - Full of noises (Barrow, UK)
    • Brane Zorma - Cona (Ljubljana, SL)

River Talk
14:00–15:30 – Rivertalk: The second session was specifically dedicated to eco-acoustic approaches to rivers, a theme that has emerged spontaneously in each partner's activity over the duration of the acoustic commons program. The session included a remote performance from the Roya Valley and a lively debate between remote and physically present board members. The session was chaired by Camille Videcoq - art critic and lecturer at ESAAIX.


    • Julie De Muer - Bureau des Guides (Marseille, FR)
    • Charlie Fox - Artist (London, UK)
    • Nathalie Masseglia, (Roya Valley, Performer), Geraldine Paoli (audio transmission) (FR)
    • Blanc Sceol, Hannah White & Stephen Shiell (2) (London, UK)
    • RL Wilson (Barrow, UK)

Stream Spaces

16:00–17:30 – Stream Spaces: The final session tackled the variety of forms “playback or ways of using the audio streams, it included presentations by four young artist/researchers working on the redeployment of soundscapes and virtual sound walking. Using audio streams from nature (open microphones), these artists relocate and transform listening practices in installations, performances and virtual worlds. How can the soundscape be staged? The session was chaired by Cedric Parizot - anthropologist IREMAM CNRS


    • Ludmila Postel, Artist, researcher (Locus Sonus, Aix FR)
    • Hugo Scruto, Artist, researcher (IRCAM, ESAD LAB, Paris FR)
    • Grégoire Lauvin, Artist, researcher (Locus Sonus, Aix FR)
    • Public Works, Hester Buck & Angharad Davies (2) (Art&design collective London

Last changed 2023/03/30 12:25