Locus Sonus Vitae


This revision is from 2023/03/09 16:29.

Co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the Europeen Union, Acoustic Commons is a collaboration between four arts organisations and a range of associate partners, each with close links to a specific site of cultural and/or natural heritage value. Acoustic Commons draws upon and develops those links, through a range of on-site and on-line exchanges.

The Acoustic Commons network has been using live audio streaming to co-create public art projects that form bridges between localities and bring isolated communities into interaction. Listening in common to soundworlds of Europe, Japan and other places leads us to engage with environmental flows - of air, water or migrating organisms - that cross borders and point to a trans-national approach.

Acoustic Commons is dedicated to building resilient networks across sites, distributing creative technical resources and cultural know-how and contributing to the long term cultivation of knowledge commons. The project seeks to identify and reactivate common land as a site for shared cultural activity and to encourage the sharing of practices and knowledge between practitioners, organisations, the public and institutions across Europe. Through improvised networks and hybrid on-site / on-line events, and by developing low-cost, lightweight ways to amplify less heard human and other voices, we contribute to reworking and extending our habits of assembly.

Final Event

The Acoustic commons Public Exhibition took place in and around ESAAIX over a period of 5 days. In light of the strong outdoor and ecological characteristics of the program it was decided to organise as an event(s) rather than as an exhibition (as originally intended). This included artistic walks, outdoor installations, talks and performances as well as more traditional forms of video installation and concerts. Collaborations with several partners and partner events, facilitated public outreach as well as providing complementary content and funding.
Part of the event was aimed at the student population of ESAAIX - (Student Walk and Workshops) as an audience, at the same time involving them in a work process leading to their participation in the public event.

The Poetics & Politics of Acoustic Commons - Cédric Parizot

Report on the Acoustic Commons final exhibition and event by Cédric Parizot,

anthropologist, researcher CNRS
Directeur adjoint de l'Institut de Recherche et d'Etude sur le Monde Arabe et Musulman (UMR7310)
Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l'Homme

Video Documentation of the Acoustic Commons final event :


The Acoustic commons Colloquium, originally planned as an independent event, was incorporated into the final exhibition. Various talks, presentations, demos and performances were spread over five days of the exhibition and walk and are included in the programme. (Voir WP 54) This allowed us to address a larger audience augmented by the Biennalé and the student walk. For several presentations an outdoor location was considered to be more appropriate than a closed conference room. To cater for those talks requiring indoor conditions the final day was dedicated to an indoor colloquium hosted by the “Petit Duc Theater” in Aix En Provence

SoundCamp 22
Saturday 31 April - Sunday 01 May

The decision was made to organise Soundcamp 3 at a farm next to the town of Tende in the Roya Valley. The principle reason for this decision being that Locus Sonus and the social science laboratory IREMAM (CNRS/Aix Marseille University) identified this area for their shared field research in an anthropology programme "La recherche par l'écoute" ("Research through Listening") - in January 2022. This followed an encounter with the small cultural and arts organisation “Les Ouistitis” who convinced us of the cultural and artistic potential of the area. These partnerships implied that we have been able to allocate supplementary funding, material resources and other forms of collaboration to the soundcamp3 event.

Acoustic Commons Workshop took place at l'Ecole Supérieure d'Art d'Aix en Provence from 28 to 31 January 2020

This first workshop took place at the Aix-en-Provence School of Art. Participants from each partner organization were invited to join the session, which focused on the technical and creative aspects of building a streambox. The event was an opportunity to launch the Acoustic Commons program in France and involve students and faculty from the art school, as well as an external audience, with the organization of an open conference and a final exhibition, and an invitation to a group of students from ENSAPC and artists in residence at Locus Sonus.

Last changed 2023/04/13 14:33