Locus Sonus Vitae

Residence 2023

This revision is from 2023/01/13 19:07.

Hugo Scurto is an artist, designer and researcher, born and based in Marseille. They completed a PhD at IRCAM called "Designing With Machine Learning for Interactive Music Dispositifs" (2016-2019), was post-doctorate at EnsadLab (2020-2022), and is co-founding member of, an AI-post-internet music collective (2018-). Hugo has presented their research-creations in diverse artistic, academic and social contexts, including Ars Electronica, CTM Festival, SIGGRAPH, Biennale Internationale Design Saint-Étienne, NIME, ACM DIS, TOCHI, Friche la Belle de Mai, Cirque Électrique or Lutherie Urbaine. Their practice consists in creating, listening and performing with learning machines, in cooperation with a plurality of people, to reveal and reshape our musical entanglements with our environments.

Last changed 2023/03/13 15:35