Acousticommons Last changed 2023/04/13 14:33 Attention : la langue de la page éditée (english) ne correspond pas à celle du site (français) B I U S lien image code HTML list Transfert - + !![Colloquim 23|Acoustic Commons - Colloquium] The Acoustic commons Colloquium, originally planned as an independent event, was incorporated into the final exhibition. Various talks, presentations, demos and performances were spread over five days of the exhibition and walk and are included in the programme. This allowed us to address a larger audience augmented by the Biennalé and the student walk. For several presentations an outdoor location was considered to be more appropriate than a closed conference room. To cater for those talks requiring indoor conditions the final day was dedicated to an indoor colloquium hosted by the “Petit Duc Theater” in Aix En Provence. Summary of changes Password Syntax