Locus Sonus Lab Notebook

Last changed: 2009/02/10 15:10 


This revision is from 2009/02/07 20:22. You can Restore it.

By default there's no Frontpage or main menu
To access to the content of the Lab WiKi, click on Recent Changes / Changements récents or click on Pages Index or use keywords with the searchbot

I transfer all the pages from the former wikidolist, so you must check the links into your pages, and you can continue right now to write new articles on this new wiki.
You'll see that new useful features are present :
- possibility to modify title of a page
- possibility to add a subtitle or a summary to a page (viewable on the Pages Index)
- possibility to use your own language for the template
- a direct feature for creating on-the-fly a new page
- a upload process in order to ut directly files on the server (images, sound)
- more styled-text features and embedded possibilities (visit the help pages)