symposium #7 mar2012
Internet Auditoriums
LOCUS SONUS audio in art
LAMES MMSH Sociology Research Lab - University of Provence
24 & 25 march 2012 9am to 6pm
Grand Auditorium - École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Nantes
-- (School of Architecture of Nantes)
24 march 2012 9pm, free entrance
Foyer Haut - Le Lieu Unique
in collaboration with LOCUS SOLUS, Rare music & Invented instruments on the 17th and 18th of March, 2012, website.
ensa école nationale supérieure d'architecture nantes / school of architecture nantes
lieu unique
école supérieure d'art d'aix en provence / school of arts aix en provence
école nationale supérieure d'art de bourges / school of arts bourges
lames laboratoire de sociologie mmsh cnrs umr 7305 université de provence / sociology research lab university of provence
accord-cadre cnrs / ministère de la culture / cnrs research agency & french ministry of culture
ministère de la culture et de la communication / french ministry of culture
partnerships :
université laval québec / laval university quebec (ca)
crisap creative research into soundart practices, lcc, university of the arts london (uk)
rpi rensselaer polytechnic institute university of troy ny (us)
saic school of the art institute of chicago (us)
deutschlandradio kultur klangkunst berlin (de)
emerge experimental media research group bournemouth university (uk)
faculty of music oxford university (uk)
gersa groupe d'étude et de recherche scénologique en architecture ensa nantes / research group on theater & architecture studies (f)
laua langages actions urbaines altérités ensa nantes / research group on languages, urban actions & othernesses (f)
apo33 nantes (f)
Symposium #7 - Internet Auditoriums
An auditorium is a place of listening.
The term refers both to the architectural structure; the framework defining or hosting a place of listening and to the acoustic and technical design ―shared, collective and simultaneous― which allows an audience, or a group of auditors to be together in a listening “space”.
The dimensions and conditions; the nature of these spaces and the way we perceive them have progressively evolved in accordance with social, aesthetic and technical changes in audio broadcasting and other forms of audio distribution. The spaces of these auditoriums are continuously being explored and re-organised for artistic purposes (music, sound arts, radio broadcasting).
This symposium will focus on auditoriums, their interrelations and influences within a technological framework and from the point of view of artistic assimilation and reception. Our intention is to clarify both current and past issues, which up until now have possibly been considered from a unique viewpoint. Thus, this reflexion convokes various domains: sound anthropology, sociology of communication, history and geography of sound spaces, acoustics, architecture, musicology, radiophonic studies, art history, aesthetics, philosophy, etc. And of course, artistic and musical creativity.
Social practices, including artistic usage, have always deployed and instrumented sound techniques and technology, contributing towards the emergence of today’s digital, networked auditoriums.
Our purpose is to interrogate those characteristics: visual and audio; strategic and scenographic ― the praxis of sound production and reception, which have developed through and for these spaces. These characteristics include: the concurrence of presence(s) and the reconstruction of absence(s) (schizophonia, acousmatic situation, sound spatialization, audio streaming, etc.); the orchestrated, co-ordinated and syntonic collaboration of participants and performers; the specific nature of musical processes and audio streams; the pervasive nature of sound.
Thus, hypothetically, the Internet has become a universe of “auditoriums”; a vast panoply of auditor spaces, be they public or private, synchronous or asynchronous; to be considered among all the other social and architectural places of listening. We need to identify and analyse: issues relating to this geographical and temporal distribution and dispersion; the re-organisation of these spaces as they are traversed by sound, transported and propagated in new ways.
The segmentation or dislocation of music and sound devices in a network should not obscure our perception of its coherent structure, which we propose can simultaneously be homogenous and in disjunction.
a) - What are the new forms of listening ? What are their purposes and what issues do they raise ? What realms of imagination do or can they engage ?
b) - Does the current diversity of reception and listening modalities, increase or restrict perception of our sound environment in its temporal and spatial immediacy or expansion ?
c) - How are new auditoriums modifying our reception and perception of different artistic productions ?
d) - What are their structural characteristics, how are they set up and developed ?
e) - What are the means and conditions necessary for the instrumentation of these particular types of listening ? How do current techniques establish and encourage specific forms of listening and perception, and how do they participate in building new ‘acoustics’ ?
f) - What conditions favour the formation of these audiences, who engage in both individual and collective listening? How are these specific modes of action, participation and sharing approached and apprehended ?
g) - How do they modify and influence artistic practice (related to both music and sound) and from a wider point of view, social auditory praxis ?
The INTERNET AUDITORIUMS symposium is organised by Locus Sonus (École Supérieure d'Art d'Aix en Provence, École Nationale Supérieure d'Art de Bourges - Schools of Arts Aix en Provence & Bourges) and by LAMES MMSH (Laboratoire Méditerranéen de Sociologie - Sociology research lab),
with the partnerships of École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Nantes (School of Architecture of Nantes), and Le Lieu Unique (Nantes)
with the help and support of the Research Agency & French Ministry of Culture framework agreement.
The AUDITORIUMS INTERNET symposium takes place on 2 days from the 24th to the 25th of March, 2012.
Each day you can access to :
- a first day with two roundtables at amphi250 / School of Architecture of Nantes from 9am to 6pm : 1/ Listening, Today (9:30am-12:30am), 2/ Extending Listening (2pm-5pm), with presentations of projects (5:30pm-6:30pm)
- an evening show with demos, performances, videos, concerts and listenings at Le Lieu Unique, Foyer Haut, from 9m to midnight
- a second day with two other roundtables at amphi250 / School of Architecture of Nantes from 9am to 6pm : : 3/ Locating Listening (9am-noon), 4/ Listening to the fluxes (2pm-5pm)
On Saturday morning at 9am, Stéphane Doré, Jean-Paul Ponthot et Philippe Bataille, respectively directors of : École Nationale Supérieure d'Art de Bourges (School of Arts Bourges), École Supérieure d'Art d'Aix en Provence (School of Arts Aix en Provence) et École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Nantes (School of Architecture of Nantes), will introduce the two-day symposium.
Each roundtable are organised by a moderator. The English and French translations is executed by Interlingua Events Nantes.
The access to the symposium is open to researchers, artists, students and people interested in the topic of the symposium. Thanks for subscribing by contacting Anne Roquigny .
from the 24th to the 25th of March, 2012
(School of Architecture of Nantes, Grand Auditorium) |
access map
9:00am |
Roundtable 1 :
moderator: Jérôme Joy (Locus Sonus)
Panel :
Jérôme Joy
Julien Clauss
Marcus Gammel
Katrin Moll
Marilou Polymeropoulou
Bruno Suner
Alain Renaud
With remote participation by
Jocelyn Robert and Atau Tanaka
Listening, Today
Les Auditoriums Internet The Internet Auditoriums
Modulations, un auditorium en plein air Modulations, an "out of the open" auditorium
The media's blind spot: Who is listeníng any way?
RADIOORTUNG - Mobile Narratives in Public Space
The Chip Music Internet Auditorium: Everyday Listening Practices in an Online Music Community
Formes et évolutions de l’auditorium de concert History of the concert hall
Interacting over distributed spaces; context, challenges and applications
→ bio Joy
→ bio Clauss
→ bio Gammel
→ bio Moll
→ bio Polymeropoulou
→ bio Suner
→ bio Renaud
12:30 |
lunch |
2:00pm |
Roundtable 2 :
moderator: Samuel Bordreuil (LAMES)
Panel :
Bill Fontana
Pauline Oliveros
Anne Laforet & Peter Sinclair
Kasper T. Toeplitz
With remote participation by
Scot Gresham-Lancaster and Roger Malina
Extending Listening (sensorium & perception)
The Act of Listening as a way of Making Music
Stretched Boundaries — Connecting Across Abilities, Networks and Practices
New Atlantis, un monde virtuel multi-utilisateurs en réseau dédié à l'expérimentation sonore / New Atlantis, a multi-user virtual world dedicated to sonic experimentation
La vision intérieure et la cécité auditive / The inner vision and the blindness hearing
→ bio Fontana
→ bio Oliveros
→ bio Laforet
→ bio Sinclair
→ bio Toeplitz
4:30pm |
5:00pm |
Demos :
Projects :
Stéphane Cousot
Bruno Suner & Laurent La Torpille
along the symposium
Installations and performances :
Modulations, by Julien Clauss
SplitSoundscape, by Grégoire Lauvin
Rarea Aves, by Alejo Duque
Projects (around the auditoriums)
NMSAT, l'architecture des données NMSAT, data architecture
Naexus (place haute, close to the library)
→ bio Cousot
→ bio La Torpille
6:00pm |
LIEU UNIQUE, Foyer Haut |
access map |
from 9:00pm to midnight |
DEMOS : Concerts, Videos, Sound Works & Performances
• Bill Fontana (sound works)
• Ximena Alarcón (networked project)
• Jérôme Joy (networked concert)
• Pauline Oliveros (concert and networks)
• Matthieu Saladin (sound work)
• Pauline Oliveros & Ione (concert & networks)
• Marilou Polymeropoulou (movie)
• Mariateresa Sartori (sound works)
• Julien Ottavi (performance & networks)
• Kasper T. Toeplitz (concert)
• and guests : Ione (bio), Emmanuelle Gibello (bio)
• |
(School of Architecture of Nantes, Grand Auditorium) |
access map
9:00am |
Roundtable 3 :
moderator: Samuel Bordreuil (LAMES)
Panel :
Samuel Bordreuil
Anne Bossé
Anthony Pecqueux
Mariateresa Sartori
Locating Listening
Collective listenings and how to concert them
La visite comme activité collective de réception Visiting, as a collective action of reception
Que s’écoute-t-il? Attention, manque d’attention What are we listening to ? Attention and lack of attention
The Sound of Language
→ bio Bordreuil
→ bio Bossé
→ bio Pecqueux
→ bio Sartori
noon |
lunch |
1:30pm |
Roundtable 4 :
moderator: Matthieu Saladin (University of Paris 1 – Panthéon-Sorbonne)
Panel :
Matthieu Saladin
Anselm Nehls
Alejo Duque
Grégoire Lauvin
Ximena Alarcón
Julien Ottavi
L'Écoute des Flux (Listening to the Fluxes)
Les flux de la 6ème avenue en ligne : écouter le « trafic » après John Cage Online audio fluxes on the 6th Ave. : listening to the « traffic jam » after John Cage
Listening to the German Twitter stream
Rarae Aves -
SplitSoundscape, biorama sonore SplitSoundscape, a sonic biorama
From Sounding Underground to Networked Migrations: listening that dislocates and integrates physical mobilities
L'écoute distanciée ou le temps des machines Distance listening or synchronizing to the machines
→ bio Saladin
→ bio Nehls
→ bio Duque
→ bio Lauvin
→ bio Alarcón
→ bio Ottavi
4:30pm |
5:00pm |
Closing |
by Stéphane Doré, Jean-Paul Ponthot, Jérôme Joy and Philippe Bataille |
5:30pm |
(end of the symposium) |
The access to the symposium is public. Thanks for subscribing by contacting Anne Roquigny
Audio and video recordings are realized by Solange Grenna and Apo33 Nantes, and the English and French translations by Interlingua Events Nantes.
technical team :
apo33 (thanks to Romain, Tristan and Julien)
lieu unique (thanks to Pierre and Pierre)
ensa nantes (thanks to Amédée Legal)
thanks to Laura |
school of architecture / école nationale supérieure d'architecture, nantes

lieu unique, nantes
maps and contacts
Anne Roquigny: admin (at) mob : +33 (0)6 62 11 04 54
Jérôme Joy : joy (at)
Access to École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Nantes / School of Architecture of Nantes
Click to enlarge
Access to the Lieu Unique
Click to enlarge
documentation and
Photos: Locus Sonus lab and all.