locus sonus > audio in art

locus sonus > Locustream LocusMic

Last changed: 2014/05/01 19:50


Difference between revisions from 2014/05/01 15:50 and 2012/03/07 13:00.
{include:subpage locustream}
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<SPAN ID=s12 style="color:#FFF; font-style:bold; background-color:red; padding:2px;">&nbsp; <A HREF="" style="color:#FFF;" target="_top">BACK PRODUCTIONS LAB</A> &nbsp;</SPAN>
!! Exemple : Locusmic installation in Marseilles by Peter Sinclair

!! Locusmic description
The LocusMic is a very small electret microphone with all the components into the sleeve of the jack. The microphone is a slightly higher quality omni electret made by Panasonic (MCE-4000). You can use a series of audio extension cable (jack 3.5mm). The electret is powered by the streambox (circa 5V). The LocusMic will be sent with the LocuStreamBox bundle.


Construction ::

The mic is wired like this :


'''Other links'''




<a href="" rel="lightbox-locusmic" title="Locusmic 2010"><img src="" alt="" /></a>
<a href="" rel="lightbox-locusmic" title="Locusmic 2010"><img src="" alt="" /></a>
''Click to enlarge''
