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Locustream & Daybreak ^Forever^

DayBreak ^Forever^ v.1.0 - Feb 26th-May 22nd | 2011

presentation :

The sounds of the daybreak 24/7; A perpetual sonic sunrise. The installation uses the streaming network of, switching between “open microphones” at various locations around the planet, ceaselessly tuning into the audiostream situated closest to the day breaking. The placement of the installation is arbitrary, the location of the listener is relative, the time of the daybreak is absolute. -

"Sound Fields" collective exhibition

National Gallery of Iceland

SOUND FIELDS - 26.2. – 22.5. 2011

Room 2

The exhibition considers art which derives from sound or music. Various sounds are at the origin of all the works. The exhibition is composed of installations, concerts, performances and lectures, spread over a period of almost three months. As the exhibition is in form of a program – the works being exhibited one after the other and not simultaneously – each is sure to attract more attention and shed light on additional number of artists. The exhibition presents many artists dealing with sound in a particular way. Most of them are visual artists who throughout their career have tackled sound and technology with diverse pervasion.

Among the participating artists are: Áki Ásgeirsson, Curver Thoroddsen, Darri Lorenzen, Dodda Maggý, Egill Sæbjörnsson, Guðmundur Vignir Karlsson, Hafdís Bjarnadóttir, Halldór Úlfarsson, Hallvarður Ásgeirsson Herzog, Hekla Dögg Jónsdóttir, Helgi Þórsson, Hilmar Örn Hilmarsson, Jesper Pedersen, Kira Kira, Libia Castro og Ólafur Ólafsson, Parabólur, Rafmagnssveitin, Ragnar Helgi Ólafsson, Sigtryggur Berg Sigmarsson, Sigurður Guðjónsson, Skyr Lee Bob.

DayBreak ^Forever^ v.0.3.1 - May 18th-19th | 2010

presentation :

The sounds of the daybreak 24/7; A perpetual sonic sunrise. The installation uses the streaming network of, switching between “open microphones” at various locations around the planet, ceaselessly tuning into the audiostream situated closest to the day breaking. The placement of the installation is arbitrary, the location of the listener is relative, the time of the daybreak is absolute. -

The piece follows the sounds of the day breaking around the globe.

The program Ragnar made is a small thing calle "Dagrenning (ad infinitum) - Fyrir P.T.", meaninge something like "Daybreak ^Forever^" or perpetual sunrise. Thhis thing basically runs on your computer 24/7 and switches bertween the Locustream open mikes, following the sunrise around the planet. At 4:02am it opens the stream from Nice, ten minutes later it switches to Belfast, at 4:14 GMT it opens the stream form Reykjavik, Boston, Chicago, Columbia and China follow... romantic isn't it ?... There is a bit of a distance between Columbia and China. So the patch stays tuned to Columbia for the better part of the day. It would be great to have a mike in Hawaii or Japan...Maybe if one day, Ragnar reworks this thing (programs it properly to chack grab the sunrise times dynamically from the web, etc.) then he might bug someone in Japan to open a stream.

Programme :

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Poster :

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