locus sonus > audio in art

locus sonus > Locuscast

Last changed: 2014/05/30 14:31


Difference between revisions from 2014/05/30 08:31 and 2014/05/01 16:11.
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<SPAN ID=s12 style="color:#FFF; font-style:bold; background-color:red; padding:2px;">&nbsp; <A HREF="" style="color:#FFF;" target="_top">BACK PRODUCTIONS LAB</A> &nbsp;</SPAN>
<H1> LocusCast for Android and iOS mobile phones</H1>


'''LocusCast''' is a mobile audio streaming app for the Locustream project and Soundmap:
This app for Android and iOS (from your iPhone and/or iPad device: the iOS version will be available soon) allows you to stream easily a 44100 mono oggvorbis stream to the Locustream soundmap. It will automatically locates your stream on the map using GPS.

List of Features : {br}
* Synchronised with your Locustream soundmap account
* Persistent location using GPS
* High quality mono one-way stream
* Ogg encoding
* Based on Icecast streaming  server technology
* Works with wifi or 3G networks

<A NAME="android"><br><br></A>

After '''[downloading locustream app|]''' navigate to your downloads folder and click the '''locuscast.apk''' to install.
Be sure that 'Unknown sources' is enabled in security settings.
Once the app is installed you simply need to enter your '''[locus soundmap identity and password|]''' ''(see below : First: Open a Locustream Account)'', enable location functions (GPS) and you can start streaming.

You will obtain better results by using an external microphone. We have tested the '''iRig microphone pre-amp''' ( which provides phantom power via a 9v battery and enables the connection of any type of mike with an XLR connector.

<A NAME="downloadandroid"><br></A>
<A HREF="" target="_blank"><b>Download LOCUSCAST for ANDROID</b></A>


Before streaming, you must create an account for each microphone dedicated to the Locustream project. Each new account and registration is moderated by Locus Sonus.{br}{br}
<a href=""  target="_blank"><b>create a Locustream account</b></a>
You need to put in the settings for your Locus Sonus account so the stream is recognized by the Locus Sonus server and appears on the Locustream Soundmap. {br}{br}
<a href=""  target="_blank"><b>configure your Locustream mountpoint</b></a>
For troubleshootings or detailed information, please contact '''soundmap(at) '''
Once you have installed the app you simply enter your locustream map login and pass and you can start steaming. If you enable GPS, your stream location will be updated automatically on the map. You are strongly encouraged to stream from a remote location (as long as you have 3G or WiFi coverage). Please be sure that you only connect to your account with one device at a time.

[]{br}{small}''LocusCast for Android''{/small}

<A NAME="ios"><br><br></A>
!! LOCUSCAST for iOS (iPhone/iPad)
''Soon available on Apple Store and iTunes''
This app is designed for both iPhone and iPad.{br}
Compatibility: Requires iOS 5.1.1 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This app is optimized for iPhone 5.{br}
LocusCast is a mobile audio streaming app for the Locustream SoundMap project :{br}This app for IOS allows you to stream easily a 44.100 mono oggvorbis stream to the locustream soundmap from your iPhone and/or your iPad device. It will automatically locates your stream on the Locustream SoundMap using GPS.
List of Features :{br}
* Synchronised with your locustream soundmap account and with the Locus Sonus Locustream SoundMap ( )
* Persistent location using GPS
* High quality mono stream
* Ogg encoding
* Works with wifi or 3G networks
* Twitter integrating
* Based on IceCast streaming server technology

Once the app is installed you simply need to enter your '''[locus soundmap identity and password|]''' ''(see above : First: Open a Locustream Account)'', enable location functions (GPS) and you can start streaming. {br}{br}
See above about the '''iRig microphone pre-amp''' ( which provides phantom power via a 9v battery and enables the connection of any type of mike with an XLR connector.
<A HREF="" target="_blank"><b>Download LOCUSCAST for iOS</b></A>

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