About the artist Mariateresa Sartori's work is strongly influenced by the specific interest in neuroscience, linguistics and philosophy of science, that offer specific angles to observe the human condition. Recently the music has stormed in her field of research, often in relation to language, as in the case of the video Etude n.10 Op.25 in B minor, Homage to Chopin, (which has been choosen for Moving Image, videoshows in New York in connection with the Armory show 2012) where language becomes music or the music becomes language, highlighting the emotional aspect universally shared of communication. For example in The Sound of Language one can listen to the musicality and melody of the world's languages beyond meaning, which has been rendered unrecognisable altering the order of consonants: the result is something completely incomprehensible but absurdly familiar. It is indicative the fact that the artist feels the need to secure the cooperation of experts of the disciplines in which she enters; so linguists, musicologists, composers, physicists. Her works have been exhibited worldwide, at institutions such as the Grand Palais in Paris, the Venice Biennale, the Quadriennal in Rome, the Hangar Bicocca in Milan, the Folkwang Museum in Essen, the Neue Galerie in Graz, the Museum Mucsarnocs in Budapest, the NGBK in Berlin, the Fondazione Querini Stampalia in Venice, and many others. Further information about her work on the site www.italianarea.it. ,and on the site: vimeo.com/tag:mariateresasartori