ăRADIOORTUNG - Hšrspiele fŸr SelbstlŠufer" is a new site-specific mobile radio format, developed by the radio drama department of Deutschlandradio Kultur. The Listeners walk through public spaces (e.g. Berlin and Cologne) with their mobile phones and trigger via GPS short fragments of radio dramas or radio documentaries - the listener is being received by the radio drama or radio documentary. A second audio track is overlaying the reality of the places so that the city itself becomes a silver screen for the stories. The storytelling is non-linear and site-specific and reflects the subtile interventions of the new mobile technologies, that influence the listeners everyday lives. Three different RADIOORTUNG plays have been realized so far. The second play was ă50 Aktenkilometer. A walk-in Stasi Radio Play" by the theater collective Rimini Protokoll. Rimini Protokoll haul the Stasi files out of the archives and into the city's present: About a hundred people in Berlin's Mitte district are surveyed and for the microphone recollect or reconstruct observations of the sites where the misdeeds were perpetrated. This dive into the Cold War era of mistrust becomes palpable with the bureaucratic procedures of applying for files, filling out forms and reading what people in your immediate environment set down about your life, all of which is superimposed onto today's Berlin. How do the surveillance reports sound at the site of their recording for those who were then under surveillance and how fast does the initially uninvolved observer become an active player? Listeners and walkers experience the city as an audible and highly-subjective archive. Online- visitors of the RADIOORTUNG website (www.dradio-ortung.de) can also move through this acoustic surveillance map. Moving alone or in groups, visitors on foot and online have to get to grips with the role of the surveillance authority in a search for the audio portals to the city below the city.